Recognizing the vital role of comprehensive support in effectively managing stress during IVF treatment

August 31, 2024 2:52 pm

Recognizing the vital role of comprehensive support in effectively managing stress during IVF treatment.” was initially published in The Ribbon Box and is shared here with permission.

While we strive to maintain hope and positivity, those of us grappling with fertility issues often find ourselves facing higher levels of stress, anxiety, and other negative emotions.

For the fertility warriors of team TRB, this certainly resonates. And the story doesn’t stop before stress and IVF treatment come into the picture, either. 

The IVF process can feel worrying for all sorts of reasons, whether that’s the feeling of time ticking by, having precious little within our control, a sense of having to ‘make do’ around busy schedules… the list goes on.

How to relax during IVF

As more people seek ways to alleviate the stress of IVF, holistic well-being options are gaining popularity. These options, including meditation, yoga, stress management, dietary adjustments, and nutrition tweaks, not only manage stress but also enhance fertility outcomes and provide support throughout the journey. They offer a ray of hope amid the IVF journey’s challenges.

We turn to Thrive Journey, the online Fertility Wellness program, for a comprehensive approach to managing stress during IVF. This program integrates yoga, Ayurvedic nutrition, and relaxation techniques with a clinically tested approach to preconception planning, providing a holistic support system for your IVF journey.

Specifically, our brand new Yoga for IVF program is designed to guide you through integrating yoga practices into your IVF journey, supporting you and your cycle from week one. This program provides you with a structured and supportive approach to managing stress during IVF.

Today, we’re catching up with Prof Gavin Sacks, senior fertility specialist and obstetrician at  IVFAustralia, for a mini Q&A on all things IVF, yoga, and holistic support options for treatment.

We wanted to know; 

  • Why is taking a holistic approach to the IVF process so important? 
  • Does stress affect IVF success?
  • Are holistic therapies safe during IVF?
  • Is there anything we should avoid during IVF?

Gavin is an IVF specialist and the Clinical Director and Director of Clinical Research and Innovation at IVFAustralia in Sydney. He qualified from Cambridge and Oxford Universities. He became an obstetrician and gynaecologist in the UK, completed reproductive medicine training in London, and moved to Sydney in 2005. Gavin manages approximately 500 IVF cycles annually and is particularly interested in cases involving repeated IVF failures.

Why is taking a holistic approach to IVF treatment so important?

Infertility can be multifaceted and complex and tends to be very confronting for those who are struggling to conceive. 

It is often challenging to manage from a medical perspective and is hard on patients and their physical and mental well-being.

Women who have IVF must be engaged and empowered to make the right decisions and give themselves their best chance, and taking a holistic, big-picture approach is crucial to this.

Many of us worry that stress and anxiety will impact outcomes – but does stress affect IVF success? 

When it comes to stress and IVF, I don’t believe that being stressed alters the outcome in itself. 

However, stress is often associated with essential factors impacting the treatment outcome. These can include difficulties following instructions to do what must be done, like remembering stims or appointments, or even appearing to influence immune function and exacerbate preexisting conditions.

So, while stress won’t impact our outcomes, managing stress is essential for covering all bases and feeling good about ourselves during a treatment cycle.

Are there any holistic options that are most beneficial for patients in managing stress during IVF treatment?

While managing stress during IVF, it’s important to remember that everyone has unique coping mechanisms. There’s no one-size-fits-all approach. This understanding ensures that you feel catered to and supported in your journey, acknowledging the individuality of your experience.

I have noticed that many women prefer as little extra stuff as possible. There’s already enough going on, especially when they’re juggling IVF treatment.

Many benefit from holistic practices like yoga, meditation, and mindfulness, which are easy to follow and can be done from home.

Is it safe to explore holistic treatments and support options while undergoing IVF?

Yes, it’s safe to incorporate holistic treatments during IVF. In my practice, I work closely with an acupuncturist to provide patients with extra support. Keeping your doctor informed is essential, especially if you’re considering trying something new. This emphasis on safety aims to instil confidence in your treatment choices.

Are there any specific things to avoid during IVF? Is there anything that isn’t recommended?

I am not a big fan of the ‘avoid’ principle, as it primarily causes fear and a smaller life for no real benefit. 

The use of herbs is not generally recommended during IVF cycles due to the possibility of natural hormones in the herbs interacting with IVF medications. However, some people do choose to take herbs to prepare for an IVF cycle.

I always advise against excessive exercise, such as aiming for personal bests. Instead, lower to moderate-intensity movement options like yoga and pilates, which are stress-relieving and supportive, would be a better choice.

As a fertility doctor, what’s your top tip for relaxing during IVF?

My top tip is to keep doing what you love and connect with your interests. I go ocean swimming, play guitar, and play golf.

I have also done yoga and thought it was great, but committing to a weekly session became hard—I am now quite old and stiff!

Yoga for IVF – more than just stress management

There we have it! Your doctor-approved toolkit for getting started with holistic support for IVF treatment.

Incorporating holistic support like yoga doesn’t just help with relaxation and de-stress. It can also help boost sperm production, bring hormones into balance, and support fertility by reducing qi stagnation in the body. These benefits can contribute to a more positive and successful IVF experience.

Want to learn more about how yoga can support you during IVF? Check out Thrive’s Yoga for IVF program.

Designed to help you integrate supportive yoga practices into your IVF journey, it’ll walk you through

  • Fertility diagnoses and treatments for men and women
  • IVF prep tips and preconception care pointers
  • A week-by-week tailored plan
  • And more

Were you not currently having IVF as part of your fertility journey? Sign up to Thrive’s virtual health hub to access the resources created to support you physically, emotionally, and mentally through your journey to conception.

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