We begin Season 3 of our Round Tables on a sombre note. Losing a baby is heartbreaking no matter when it happens. Sadly, miscarriage is common, occurring in 20 – 50 percent of all known pregnancies, most often within the first three months of pregnancy.

If you’ve experienced a pregnancy loss, even if the pregnancy ended very early, you may feel more sadness than you ever thought possible.

To shine a light in the darkness, we are bringing you a series of monthly Round Tables on Miscarriage and Emotional Healing, hosted by Sarah Manning, our senior yoga teacher and Marie Otsuka, our fertility coach and nurse with over a decade’s worth of experience at the Advanced Centre for Reproductive Medicine (ACRM) Singapore.

During the hour Sarah will ask Marie questions like:

  1. Miscarriage and grief results in a whirl of emotion. Let’s talk about these feelings and how to handle them.
  2. Is there a difference between what the father and mother feel?
  3. Are there society pressures that add to these feelings and make it harder?
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